by Support | Mar 19, 2020 | Help
Spare parts obsolescence and redundancy are an important factor in managing the lifecycle of a typical high value system. Electronic components typically have short production lifecycles, typically 2-5 years and even military suppliers have difficulty maintaining...
by Support | Mar 19, 2020 | Help
Here is an example of a recent question that we were asked by a client. I have a unit that with a lifetime of 10 years and I want zero stock-out-risk. How many spare parts should I recommend? The short answer to this is infinity spare parts. Only infinity spare parts...
by Support | Mar 19, 2020 | Help
Many items in a typical inventory do not actually get repaired and they are simply discarded on failure. These are known as items with a Discard on Failure Repair Policy. A customer recently asked: How should I model with items that have a discard on failure repair...
by Support | Mar 19, 2020 | Help
One of our customers recently asked: The budgets of our customers are being continually slashed, yet they still want and need the same level of spare parts support. Is there a way of using Spares Calculator to help them spend their money more wisely so that they get...
by Support | Mar 19, 2020 | Help
In this article we show how to convert the Probability of Availability to Stock-Out-Risk or Mean-Time-Between-Stock-Out for Spare Parts inventory. Problem Spares Calculator can forecast [Stock-Out-Risk], [Mean Time Between Stock-Out] and [Probability of Availability]...
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